
Monday, April 2, 2012

Auf Wiedersehen

The movers have come, and I am now packed and ready to go.  Jady will be staying here for a while longer, but I am the advance team being sent ahead to find us a place to live and to start settling in.

This past week was a bittersweet blur of packing, partying and tearful goodbyes with the dear friends we have made during our happy years here.  Saying auf Wiedersehen to Vienna isn't easy, either-- what a beautiful city!  Here are some highlights that I will miss the most:

The Belvedere Palace, right around the corner from our apartment! 


Vienna's downtown "1st District"

Da Capo, our favorite restaurant in Vienna

The enormous, delicious and impossibly thin Schnitzel at Figlmüller

The clip-clop of hooves on the cobblestone streets

And most of all, I will miss our happy home over the past few years, Christ Church Anglican. 

Next up for me: one last week of vacation in Spain and Portugal before leaving Europe.  It's rough, I know:)

Happy Monday


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