
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dreaming of a Storage Unit

I’m off!  The movers have come and gone, I said goodbye to Vienna, and after this week’s vacation, I’ll be leaving Europe on a one-way ticket back to the US.  These past couple of weeks have been crazy and pretty overwhelming, packing and planning and saying goodbye to dear friends.  Now that I have actually made it onto the plane, I am starting really to look ahead for the first time--and I’m getting SO excited!  

In just a few months we will be pulling up to a new home (to us, at least) in a new town--with an enormous rental truck.  When we moved to Europe five years ago, we piled all that we owned into my uncle’s warehouse space to store until we needed it again, and since it’s free, we just kept everything.  I’m sure I’ve forgotten about many of the things we had back then, so who knows what we’ll find when we go to pick it up!  It will be like Christmas!

It truly is a mountain of stuff...yikes!

There are so many things that I am really looking forward to having again, including our two pretty mirrors that I love and have missed.  I'm such a fan of large gold mirrors and the glamour and openness they bring to a space.  This one we found at an antique store when we were first married:

And this one is very special to me, since it belonged to my grandmother.  Featured in her hallway, it was my favorite piece of furniture in her house since I can remember, so I am always reminded of her.

I love this look for a hallway-- so elegant and understated:

Here are a few great options for gilded inspiration:

Have  a great day!


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