
Friday, April 6, 2012

The Art of Easter

 There is much to say about art and the Christian faith. Liza and I feel very fortunate to have experienced the beauty of our old churches and all the details surrounding these spectacular spaces. They are true works of art. 

The architecture of these churches is incredible, and I feel so fortunate to be able to sit in these spaces each Sunday.  There is much beauty in the details of our old buildings. They were built with the intention to create the kind of space all of our five senses would be engaged. 

For most of us, when we think of the Easter weekend, we often think of peeps or the film, The Ten Commandments.  If you look a little deeper there is much beauty to be found in the depictions of Easter and Passover.  

Bach's St. Michael's Passion
(The Rev.'s personal favorite)

If you find yourself in the MET here in NYC you will find hundreds of works depicting The Christ, my personal favorite is by Eugene Delacroix.

"The Last Supper"

From way back in my days in Art History classes, this section of the Isenheim Altarpiece by the German painter Matthias Grünewald remains one of my favorite depictions of the resurrection, which we are about to celebrate this Sunday at Easter. 
"Peace to you"

Liza and I wish you a Happy Easter from Vienna to Manhattan!


L & M

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