
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Liza's Here!!!

Liza arrived late last night and we have wasted no time!  We had a full day, lunch at Eataly, a trip to Mood, and supper at Gramercy Tavern, thanks to a gift certificate given to the Rev.  Liza returns next week and we have a sofa to tackle. 

We had a fabulous day looking at fabrics, thinking up fun blogging projects, and enjoying an amazing meal at Gramercy Tavern. What more could you want?




  1. I cannot wait to see what you ladies do with that couch. We have a similar one in the rectory that I keep threatening to get rid of and promising to recover.

  2. Yes, I just bought the Singer reupholstery handbook. YOu can borough it anytime. I was just in our church offices too and found all sorts of goodies that need some recovery.
