
Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Picks

I was window shopping at Fish Eddy's and ran across these fabulous items.  I LOVE these cake stands. Each time I run across a thrift shop I look for something along these lines. They are a bit too pricey to spring for me at this point, but a girl can always window shop. 

Aren't these linens fabulous? They are a little too expensive for me, too, but worth checking out. I love picking up ideas for patterns for fabrics wherever I go, even if I am out of budget. Since I love to pop into thrift shops it is always thrilling to find similar design at a fraction of the price-- its a sport really.  

These mason jars are to DIE for.  I had to hold myself back, they are 10 bucks each and I considered it, but when you can buy a clear glass case of them at 15.00 I had to reconsider.

Remember my friend Sarah Copeland and her fabulous cookbook? You can pick one up at Fish Eddy's, Anthropology, and now at Crate and Barrel. Fabulous work Sarah!!

Besos & Happy Weekending!!!


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